GGS starts the school year in August and ends in June. However, we accept applications year-round. Although our spots fill fast, as an international school we do have turnover of families departing Cambodia during the year. Registering early and joining the wait list is the most helpful way to ensure you are in line for a spot as it comes available. To have a sense of which class your child will be considered for please review our Class Placement Guide.
School Visit. A school visit is a wonderful way to experience the joy and culture of GGS, and is required by the school to initiate the admissions process. To schedule a school visit please submit the Inquiry Form. At least one primary guardian and the child must visit the school prior to enrolling on the wait list. In the event of a long-distance enrolment for families not yet in the country, a video call will be accepted as an initial school visit. In-person visits are from 8:00AM for about 45 minutes.
Assessment: GGS conducts an informal assessment of each child when they come for a school visit. Teachers observe the child as they move about the school to get a sense of the age-appropriateness of their movement, social skills, and play. Reduced or no screen time is very helpful in supporting age-appropriate child-development. Understanding of English is not required for placement in the preschool classes, and learning English is supported within the classroom. Some knowledge of English is required for placement in the Kindergarten.
Placement: Placements are given as spaces are available, on a first-come, first-served basis at the discretion of the class teacher. We consider class size and current class composition when considering whether they can accept a child into the class. Priority is given to siblings of current students, alumni, members of the Parent and Child Group, and families transferring from Waldorf/Steiner schools. Additionally, to maintain the diversity of our international student body, we limit the number of students from individual nationalities to 30% of the total number of learners in each class, based on the nationality shown on the child’s passport. GGS strives to be as inclusive as possible and makes every effort to accept children with a variety of needs, provided the school feels they can safely support them within the staffing and class composition at the school. If no space is available, the family may join the wait list.
Admissions Procedure
Complete the GGS Inquiry Form.
A school representative will contact you via email to set up a school tour.
School Tour
School Tours are from 8:00am to 8:45am. During this time children are arriving at school and are playing outside in the garden while some teachers are preparing the classrooms for the morning activities. Parents may also bring their child with them for the next step which is child evaluation.
Child Evaluation
At this time the teachers will meet and observe your family and your child to determine the most supportive class placement. Children will be encouraged to play in the garden or inside the classrooms.
Placement and Waiting List
The College of Teachers, made up mostly of the Head Teachers from each class at the school, will consider the candidates. Spots will be offered by the College of Teachers as they come available on a first-come, first-served basis, with consideration given to class composition and staffing, and priority given as described above. In some cases the Head Teacher will offer a trial period, with the number of days to be determined by the teacher and family in collaboration, to ensure that staffing and class composition is supportive of the child prior to enrolment. In this case, upon enrolment fees will be billed from the child’s first day of the trial period. If placement cannot be offered yet, the families will be asked if they would like to have their child on the wait list.
Offer of a spot will be made via email to the email address(es) provided on the Inquiry Form. All additional information required for registration will be requested at that time. The child’s spot will be considered secure when the Capital Fee is paid. All tuition and fees paid to the school are non-refundable. The family should read the Tuition and Fees Policy carefully prior to enrolling.
Begin school.
The child may begin school when all fees are paid, and on a date agreed upon by the family and the Head Teacher. In preschool classes a transition strategy will be discussed to ensure the child is appropriately supported in their transition to the school.